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July 9, 2014

Three Dwarfish Poems

If dwarves had Mother-Goose-type rhymes..


Ruby-digging in the dark,
Dwarfish eyes asearch and mark.
Diamond-sifting in the light,
Overseen by dragon sight.

Don't you steal a jewel away;
You won't live another day.
Never steal a dwarfish purse,
Fifteen times this rhyme rehearse!
 (repeat ad nauseum)

"How Banking Came to Be"

Bob the dwarf, he made a sword
Put it in his treasure hoard
Guarding it, he soon got bored
He could ill the time afford

Hired he a dragon guard
Fed him well on cakes and lard
Soothed him with a singing bard
Counted cost and found it hard

Moved it all to cave so dank
Let his friends include their swank
Set him up a dwarfish bank
Hired him tellers in a rank

"Metal skills"

Digger gets the gold from ground
Smelter melts it down
Pourer makes the coins so bright
Beater makes the crown

Setter puts the jewels in
Scroller adds the frills
Charmer puts the magic on
All are metal skills

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