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December 19, 2012

Mentally DiStUrBeD Christmas carols

Narcissistic:  “Hark the Herald Angels Sing… about me!”

Dementia:  “I’ll be Home For Christmas…. Maybe”

Manic:  “Deck the Halls and the walls and the Floors and the Porch and the Streets and the roads and the stores and the Lampposts and the Cars and the Ceilings and the Buses and the Schools..”

Attention Deficiet Disorder: “Silent Night, Holy oh Look is that a Frog?  I want some Chocolate.  Why is France so Far Away?”

Paranoid:  “Santa Clause is Coming to Town… to Get Me!”

Borderline Personality:  “I’m Gonna Pout, I’m Gonna Cry, I’m Gonna Shout, and Maybe I’ll tell You Why”

Obsessive Compulsive: “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells….”

(Disclosure: I didn’t write these.  A cousin-in-law did and I wrote them down in my journal.  Ran across them recently and felt they needed to be shared..)

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